Yahoo! Yippee! Throw up your jazz hands! Cling, cling, cling that's the sound of the champagne glasses clinging. We're excited to be launching our own blog and online children's boutique. It's been a labor of love to get to this point! We had originally intended to launch earlier this year but as they say life happened as it often does and we had to adjust. Our boutique is called Si and Me which is named after our 4 year old daughter, Sierra and well me. When we named our daughter we didn't think we would use a nick name since we loved her name so much. Nor did we think Sierra could be shortened! Funny how things like that change. We lovingly call her Si all the time. As with all nick names it just came up naturally.
Our focus is on sharing useful tips for growing families, give encouragement, twin life, inspiration and of course kid fashion at reasonable prices and more! We're so excited and can't wait to get to know you more! More exciting news to come in the weeks ahead so we hope you will follow us along our journey!
All the best,
Si and Me
P.S. I'm Sierra's Mom, Renee (Me). We look forward to getting to know you!