Thankful for Friends and Family

In September our twin boys arrived! We had friends and family show up for us in mighty ways. My older Sister came to help us prep before the boys arrived.  However, the boys had other plans, they were ready and arrived a week early. It was an unexpected blessing.  This meant their Aunt "Honey" got to spend some time loving them and helping out in countless ways.  Honey cooked meals, stocked our freezer, watched Sierra and stayed with me in the hospital so Tony could get some much needed rest. She even found time to create artwork for all the kids bedrooms.  My Mom aka Mimi spent the first 3 weeks with us. Mimi stayed up feeding babies, changing diapers, getting our daughter to school, making breakfast, the endless laundry, the list goes on and on. She also sewed a slew of special gifts for our kids. She's one talented lady and the best Mom ever!  My younger sister, Kelly also came to help out! She helped take care of the boys, cooked amazing meals and spoiled our children.  My childhood best friend, Robin came out for a quick weekend visit. While Robin was visiting my in-laws watched our kids so my husband, Robin and I could catch up with my life long pal. She too spoiled us.  When I go back to work my Mother-in-law will watch our boys and help shuttle Sierra back and forth to preschool.  She's amazing!  

Our community rallied around us.  Friends and family around the globe (crazy right?) sent gifts, cards and words of encouragement.  Local friends dropped off delicious meals, arranged play dates and so many things this tired Mama is forgetting.  Please forgive me if I didn't list something.  It was and is AMAZING! We are so thankful for your love and friendship! We couldn't have survived let alone thrived these first few months without you! We are thankful that God has brought you into our lives. We are truly blessed.  We have the best family and friends around!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  

With Gratitude, 


P.S. To our peeps (you know who you are) we haven't sent out all our thank you cards yet.  They are coming, I promise! Love you! 


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