Thankfulness continued -

There's nothing sweeter than snuggling with your baby or in my case babies. I'm thankful for my surprise babies.  If you have children, then you know already, they grow up too fast. 

There are times when I think my house will never be clean or I'll never have the laundry finished for more than 15 minutes. I have those moments where I long for peace and quite, look forward to uninterrupted sleep and want the ability to quickly dash in and out of a store.  However, the moment Wyatt or Finn flash their smile at me it melts my heart and somehow all those things become less important. I breath in their smell and give them gentle kisses on their forehead, which Sierra calls "fornhead".  That too melts my heart.  I love feeling their soft skin, their little hairs on the back of their head and cute little toes.  Life is a bit crazy juggling it all these days but I still find myself cherishing the time with my babes. 

By the time you move out of the newborn stage you forget all the sleepless nights and the craziness because you're onto the next stage.  I'm trying to etch every detail about all of my children into my memory as these days are numbered.  Soon they will be crawling, walking, talking, riding bikes, packing up for swim lessons and then heading to school.  I'm grateful for all of this craziness and more! I'd love to hear what little quirks or words that your little one said that melted your heart?  

With Gratitude, 



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